Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Project Description

Refurbishment and adaptation spaces for people with autism and intellectual disabilities to improve the quality of life of the students from Anakena special school

  • Psychomotor Room Refurbishment Project

  • Inclusive bathroom Refurbishment

  • Leveling of inclusive playground floor

  • Adapting classroom lighting for people with ASD

Project to improve the quality of spaces for neurodivergent children.pptx

Click here to donate today

You can also support us by downloading the SUDA Outdoors app and participate in a challenge to “kick plastic” with SUDA and their partner Costa.

With this app you will be supporting both outdoor activities and protecting the environment. In addition, if you track three hours outdoors and upload pics of trash you're picking up, SUDA will make a donation to the Rotary Club Metropolitano of Santiago, Chile if the app reaches over a thousand participants. Thank you very much!!